Entries by Becci Nicholls

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activity

We love the story about The Very Hungry Caterpillar in our house we always have, and most likely always will. Over the years we have based so many activities on this story from paintings to taste testing, and this time story stones and play dough. My six year is becoming an amazing reader, he is […]

Transport Themed Activity

When your children are under the weather you look for ways to keep them occupied that require a minimal set up and that use the least energy possible for them. My two boys love cars, and trucks, and trains, and tracks, and roads. They also love making a mess. Today they were both under the […]

Mummy Matters!

Before becoming a parent, ultimately you only have yourself to please. You eat when you’re hungry, you drink when you’re thirsty, you sleep when you’re tired, you go on holiday to luxurious places, you play loud music at any time of day (or night), you can hide away in grumpy days, you can arrange big […]

To The Child With A Depressed Mother

A few months ago I took the plunge into seeking medical help for my depression and anxiety, I had reached rock bottom and needed a helping hand, or ten. After trying to get well on my own for over 22 years I realised it was the end of the line and was make or break, […]

Don’t Take Your Kids To Public Places

Is there anything more annoying than loud, unruly children in a restaurant when you are trying to enjoy a nice quiet meal? Why do their parents even take them out knowing how loud and disruptive they will be?! Just don’t take your kids out in public. It’s much easier for everybody concerned isn’t it? Stay […]

The World Of Siblings

I am an only child. I’ve never experienced sibling love or rivalry. I didn’t have to share my loved ones or my toys. I didn’t wear hand-me-down clothing, and I didn’t have to share my room. I don’t know what it’s like to have a sibling, or what the ‘normal’ is in regards to your […]

To the Mother Trying to do Everything

To the Mother trying to do everything… You cannot do everything, so choose wisely what you do. Trying to do everything leaves you feeling like a failure, because it is physically impossible to do it all, and do it all well. I know there is always something that needs doing, always a place to be, […]

National Sea Life Centre Birmingham

This weekend we were extremely honoured to be invited to visit the National Sea Life Centre Birmingham to explore their Ancient Oceans event. We love the Sea Life Centre, and it never ceases to amaze us, so with the added lure of Dinosaur Detection it was a great day out. The Ancient Oceans event is running […]

The Reality of Depression

I have not really written in quite a while. I was in two minds whether to write this post or wait until  I felt better, but I’m  going to write it anyway. I think, as my readers, you appreciate the honesty whether it makes you laugh  or makes  you cry, and I cannot be anything […]

A Letter to a Depressed Me, Myself, & I

Dear Me, Myself, & I I am writing this letter to myself, to me, to you, in the hopes that you will read it on the day when depression rears its ugly head. When depression strikes and covers you in a black fog your brain has a funny way of forgetting everything you know, so […]