A little insight into Swords and Snoodles
I’ve wanted to blog for a very long time, even pre-children. I’ve often started a blog, and then lost enthusiasm. That was until May 2014.
For some reason it felt the right time. I was passionate from the start. I love writing, always have. Even as a little girl I’d write stories, and poems constantly.
I think writing is a sort of therapy to me. It keeps me sane lol.
I’m now into month fourteen of blogging and my passion is only growing. It’s hard to lose passion about sharing your daily experiences; the good, the bad, the ugly. It’s lovely reaching out to people, and knowing they feel the same.
I pride myself in being honest, sometimes brutally honest, and those who know me will know that’s always been the case 🙂
It took a while to come up with a name for my blog. I wanted it to be personal and to stand out. After much brainstorming with my marketing mastermind husband we came up with Swords and Snoodles.
Swords is obviously self explanatory. My boys love being pirates. They’re typical boys.
Snoodles, however, isn’t very self explanatory unless you know us. Snoodle is the name we gave my first borns comforter bear blanket he had at 2 months old. From that moment it’s not left his side (it has but we replaced it undetected!) His brother also loved Snoodle, so we purchased a few more. They adore them.
We now own four Snoodles. My boys won’t sleep without them. My 4yo has one. My 2yo insists on three! They carry them mostly everywhere. Snoodle is a big part of our family and so are his three siblings 😉
Now you know who Snoodle is and where the name Swords and Snoodles came from 🙂
Does your child have any special names for their comforters?